In addition, a good part of them started through the silver screen. "you dick." Below another table with some examples. No? Well, thats a great question. Jagoff- its an insult to someone who is being mean or annoying. Well, thats just because it actually is pretty bad. Try it out verb = ausboviahraIch habb en neiyah tool gekawft. The top 4 are: ohio, german, german language and germany. This time = dessamohlAvvah dessamohl, voahra sacha diffand. The plural of hair is hairs- Did you get your hairs cut today at the salon, Road apples- horse poop normally found in the middle or on the side of a country road, Firehouse wedding- a wedding and reception inside of a fire station. Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei. / right? Da leicht is beshteld fa Samshdawk meiya. Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Say or Say now- means what about doing this or something else. ) compare with to saw (verb)Ich muss hols shpalda.Iahra gmay is shpalda. Conjugate hayva based on the noun/pronoun), Homes noun = di haymeda (pl) (not haymedah), If = vann (as in, if this, then that; not to be confused with whether.) Feelings noun = di feelings (not kfeelah) (opinions or emotions). Also can be fleece-lined or a thick thermal material like flannel. Very difficult because my dad was born in Amsterdam and Im USA, and phonetically it is completely different. Mean verb = mayna compare with to have the opinion (verb)Sells vass ich mayn. I still remember the first time I biked past a red light in The Netherlands. There is more to the state than what most people think. Follow (an example) verb = nohch kumma (to follow after someone and do what they did)Sei foos-dabba nohch kumma. That insult contrating talk, let me thinking: No wonder my partner and I are no longer together! Also used instead of hey now or to begin a conversation with someone. lul (penis) klote (scrotum) Animal Species vuilehond (dirty dog) Appearances dikke (fat) schele (cross eyed) Last but not least, we come to a very popular, if not slightly odd, Dutch swear word. 2. Yours pro = dein (possessive pronoun; used only without another noun). The locals here do not eat at buffets and smorgasbords all the time, nor do most people go to the gift shops. The bills need paid. It is pannenkoek and it is a pancake. Wrinkly adj = runslichVann du shmohksht, zayld dei haut runslich vadda. It is simply a glossary and Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary for language learning. Such / Suchlike = so (when referring to things that have already been mentioned)Gott is nett di shuld funn earthquakes, shlimm veddah Feel funns soffahres heit kumd funn so sacha. View verb = ohgukka (to look at something in a certain way) Compare with maynaBoviah sacha ohgukka vi dei partner dutt. Government = da government (as in a general or modern-day government) compare kingdom. Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga? Posted on December 13, 2021 by December 13, 2021 by Schijt is less like its English cognate and more like the gentler French merde. The common stereotype is that everyone is Amish, Mennonite, or lives next to one. 2019 All Rights Reserved. Last night = geshtrohvet (See also Times of day). Log in verb = log nei (see other Technology Words). Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvichs haus. I owe his so much. Starting with the well-known most eastern city in Pennsylvania Philadelphia. We enjoy visiting our Amish brethren. What are synonyms for Pennsylvania Dutch? No one pro = kenni (as in not a single person/thing; often used by itself in reply and for emphasis). (this) Evening = dinohvet (See also Times of day). Die Zeit fer in Bett is nau! Which means God damn it, (and something) yet to come!. Friendlier Dutch swear words exist and can be used to express anger without making life-long enemies. Hated adj = kast (to be or become hated; used with forms of sei or vadda)Sis nett eesi vann du kast bisht. Will be given verb = (eah/see/es) vatt gevvaSis zvay-dawk lang un vatt gevva bei di organizers. Sie Batt nemme duhn ich gern. Daughter noun = es maydel / s maydel (common), Day after tomorrow = ivvah meiya (See also Times of Day), Day before yesterday = foah geshtah (See also Times of Day). Remember verb = meind halda (as in keep in mind / continue to remember)Vass dutt ebbah inna race meind halda? CHECK! Built adj = gebautSi sinn gebaut mitt hols. Will be verb = (eah/see/es) vattNimmand vatt kfrohkt fa geld. Witness verb = witnesaVi kenna miah patient sei vann miah witnesa zu em sei family? Synonyms for Pennsylvania Dutch in Free Thesaurus. Once you are done with Philadelphia and go north you will come across the Lehigh Valley, this is Allentown and Lehigh. Do you know these Untranslatable Dutch words? In this section, here are some Pa Dutch/ Amish and Lancaster Pennsylvania slang terms to know. . We might be bad at lots of things, but no one swears better than the British. Unharness verb = abkshadda (take off an animals harness), Unhitch verb = ausshpanna (an animal from a buggy or implement). Footsteps / Footprints noun = di foos-dabba (pl). Draw closer verb = naychah kumma (as in, to strengthen or deepen a relationship with someone)Vi kann ma naychah kumma zu anri? First (see also language lesson Eahsht vs Seahsht vs Seahsht). The pik refers to the person, not the bodypart. Thats right, it is a well-known fact that wishing an illness upon your enemies is a common way to curse in Dutch. Im a 36-year old Amsterdam native, and Ive never heard anyone use the term Franse Slag in my entire life. Patrick Donmoyer - Pennsylvania Dutch Phrases - YouTube 0:00 / 1:10 Patrick Donmoyer - Pennsylvania Dutch Phrases The Philadelphia Inquirer 31.2K subscribers Subscribe 185 Share 26K views. Whether you visit or live in Pennsylvania you come to learn certain slang terms depending on where in the state you live. 17 Deeply Satisfying Dutch Insults We Need In English. Hitch verb = eishpanna (an animal to a buggy or implement)Ich muss gay di geil eishpanna. The Pennsylvania Dutch language is a English variety derived from the Germanic roots of past generations dating back to the 1700s. The sun is setting. Moffenhoer was used in WWII. The drunkard had just sipped too much. This is a dictionary of English and non-English words of the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect, providing Pennsylvania Dutch words and their English meanings as well as English words and phrases and their equivalents in Pennsylvania Dutch. rose sauce jjimdak pennsylvania dutch swear words. fat bag). Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary Home The Amish at Home Amish in the World not of the World Amish Buggies Wagons Bikes and Rollerskates Amish at Work More Amish at Work Auction Sales Amish School and Scholars Amish Children 1 Amish Children 2 Sunday in Amish Country Amish Weddings Short List of Pennsylvania Dutch Phrases Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary Also an excellent word. So dad (Daed) and mom (Mamm) are capitalized in all usages. It is best at night to see the city all lit up. Content of the Dictionary. Pennsylvania's Polish roots brought the term to the region. Commonly used when talking about using an ax to split wood. Grandfather = dauddy. Sie hot sich widder verschlofe. Hold back verb = zrikk hayva (to keep from doing or saying something. Pennsylvania Dutch Words. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? Here is a look at at a video from a native Pennsylvania Dutch speaker on some common Pennsylvania Dutch expressions and their meanings: send our content editing team a message here, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies, 25 Most Asked Multitasking Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Top Answers to What Can You Bring to the Company, 25 Most Asked Change Management Interview Questions. Decision noun = da decisionVass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha? Slang terms of this area are cheesesteak- this has the most literal meaning. The roots of the Pennsylvania Dutch language extend back to the migration to Pennsylvania of around 81,000 German speakers from central and southwestern Germany, Alsace, and Switzerland during the eighteenth century. Put on verb = ohzeeya (for example clothes) (See also dress (verb)) Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya. Doubts noun = di doubts (pl)Ich kann dei questions ensahra vann du doubts hosht. The incline- There are two inclines in the city of Pittsburgh one is the Duquesne Incline and the Monongahela Incline. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. This is home to the 412 or as it is well known as Pittsburgh. Er is weenich ad. Let someone know phrase = vissa lossa (as in to tell someone something)Ich zayld si vissa lossa. pokke is most used when some thing wont work then its used like pokke ding! or when you try to make a scentence like Klere pokke tyfus!, My parents spoke Dutch in the home we live in CA now but it was a real fun show to watch and listen to the words they would throw against each other when they argued or got mad at one another .. When used as a pronoun, vann will use da or di right in front of it depending on whether the noun being replaced is masculine or feminine.Da Andy is da vann es s haus gebaut hott.Di Donna is di vann es s broht gmacht hott. Has beautiful water features and a fountain. Better (one) noun = bessahrahIch binn en teacher avvah du bisht en bessahrah. Mocking noun = shpoddes (ridicule; what a person experiences)Vann di kinnah an shool voahra, missa si deela mitt shpoddes. We also have the Amish, Pennsylvania Dutch, The Pocono, Allegheny Mountains, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Before = eb (in time or order, but not necessarily about the past) (Compare with previously)Miah zayla essa eb sell. Not the same as to split wood) compare with split (verb) and sow (verb)Says hols.Miah hols sayya fa unsah nochbah. If you are dissatisfied with the website or any content or materials on it, your sole exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the website. PS The Dutch translation of tasty dick would be Lekkere pik/lekkere lul. He lived the abundant life. On must exalt the King. Turn down verb = nunnah drayya (to say no to something) (conjugate drayya to the noun or pronoun)Du nunnah draysht may rawm boi. wtf [], Copyright 2023 The Daily Bonnet - All Rights Reserved, Mennonite Woman to Listen to Nothing but the Boney M Christmas Album for the Next Six Weeks, Pastor Breaks Down, Admits Entire Sermon Was Just Fake News, Wonder Oil to be Added to Town Drinking Water, Mennonite Fans Ruin Winnipeg Jets Whiteout By Wearing All Black Suits, Mennonite Texting Abbreviations: From LOL to WTF, Mennonite Man Tucks His Beloved Ronnies Into Bed For the Night, Southern Manitoba Candidates Fight to Woo that Key Anti-Vaxxer Vote, Mennonite Critics Excited to Watch Women Talking and Find All the Errors, Mennonite Uncle Barred from Thanksgiving Gathering after Forgetting His ID and Vax Card, Dozens of Seniors Hospitalized After Visit From Penner Children. Difference noun = da diffans (not da unnahshitt). Amish noun = di Amishi (as in, the people who are Amish)Daviess County Amishi sinn known fa iahra Southern twang. Terrible adj = shlimm (awful) Compare with more intense versions worse and worst. If you want to swear like Swiss and Amish, however, look no further as The Daily Bonnet brings you the very best in Pennsylvania Dutch curse words. They are not necessarily accurate but however everywhere in the world has them for good or for bad. Often = oft (frequently; compare with oftentimes. I know Ditza sounds vaguely like Dikzak which means Fatso (lit. And just like eating only one stroopwafel from the package (instead of all of them at the same time like a giant sandwich), it would be a crime not to start with the infamous disease-based curses. The laundry needs folded. Fell verb = kfalla (PP)Even though its past tense, use with a form of sei.Da bohm is nunnah kfalla. Once = als (at one time, oftentimes)Leit henn vennichah leevi es si als katt henn. Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?Log nei. Ich saag dank am disch. Native to the. Than = es (used to introduce the second element in a comparison)Da vann es di keah gmacht hott, hott may veisheit es miah henn. I mean, it says "Dutch" in the name but you probably also heard that it. The website may provide links to other websites on the Internet, the content of which is not in our control. Check words used in the Watchtower Online Library (Pennsylvania Dutch version) Newly Added Words shortly before phrase = vennich eb relatives noun = di freindshaft (related to) Hurry! In Pennsylvania Dutch itself, the word Deitsch can be translated as either 'Pennsylvania Dutch' or 'German'. What in the world is wrong? Health adj = health (with another noun)Hosht du ennich health problems? phrase = Dabbah! Beat verb = beeda (as in to win at something; game, race, etc or have success over someone or something)Ich zayl dich beeda. Including the dividing line between Eastern Pennsylvania slang and stereotypes and Western Pennsylvania slang and stereotypes. Spelled adj = kshpeld (often with sei)Mach shuah es awl vadda recht kshpeld sinn fa da test. Verbs that go with di Drubb es Foahgayt are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Piled up adj = uf gepeild (used with a form of sei or vadda)Di ksharra sinn uf gepeild. Stale adj = ohgezowwaS broht is ohgezowwa. Philadelphia, known as Philly or the city of brotherly love. Whether = eb (when talking about 2 possible options or outcomes; not to be confused with if) (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson) (Compare with before)Di Donna vill vissa eb du hinkel-flaysh adda fish vitt. Door (large) noun = es doah (a large door or gate). However other ones like putain and mierda/merde have never made big inroads here. The Italian guido type of person is another common personality you will see in the city. Flickr/Kate Hopkins. Printed adj = geprindKann ich en geprind kabbi greeya? Grandmother = mommy. Sad adj = sad (not bedrohwa)Zvay leit es reeli sad voahra. Welcome to DutchReviews swearing guide where well teach you all the Dutch insults you will ever need during your life in the Netherlands. Flat adj = flaettSi sinn ufs flaett dach funn iahra haus. - "Behave yourself!" - Amish mothers don't have to say this often as their children are always perfect little angelsunlike those unruly Mennonite children. Single men and young men will not have any facial hair. )Macht da lesson faddich. Exactly = grawt (see also words immediately and straight)Sell is grawt vass ich brauch! In addition to some influence from Philidelphia and the Pennsylvania dutch. Pannenkoek en poffertjes connoisseur/expert. These form stereotypes of the people and areas of people. That all when it comes to profanity in the Netherlands? It is only used when theres no other noun. About adv = baut (as in nearly or almost)Miah sinn baut datt. Raise verb = uf zeeya (to raise children), Raised adj = ufgezowwa (raised, as in children). There is a part of the town where all the tourists go. (vid inside) DutchReview, The best tips to learn Dutch: My experience of grasping the language DutchReview, 7 Ways to Learn Dutch Fast and Easy: our best tips to learn Nederlands in life DutchReview. Also saving a spot for someone else to come by and join your group of people. I think most Dutch speaking people (including me) know more and worse words than covered in this article. Flickr/Toby Bochan. Eah is fann fa singa! Barn raising- this is when a bunch of Amish all get together over the course of a few days and build a barn or a house for someone in their community. 20. Die sunn is am unnergeh. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anyway, anybody wanting to delve into Dutch curse words should study this fine book by mr. Hans Heestermans: LUILEBOL het Nederlands scheldwoordenboek. People are die-hard fans and extremely passionate about the local football team the Pittsburgh Steelers. Under it / beneath it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. In true fashion, womens and girls hair will be in a bun or pinned back with a bonnet on it. She had to mind the children. Interested adj = innarest (often used with sei or vadda). Here are some Pennsylvania Slang Terms to Know about the Lehigh Valley. Happy reading. Let us know in the comments. Split verb = shpalda (as in to split something up or cause a division. See Related: Best Museums in the United States. 400,000 people speak Pennsylvania Dutch - Given that the current Amish population is over 300,000, the great majority of these speakers are Amish. Tell verb = fazayla (as in telling a story or joke; narrating)Compare with tell or sayEah is immah jokes fazayla.Fazayl mich en shtoahri. In a language where normal words like Scheveningen already sound like unforgivable curses from Harry Potter, its good to at least recognize some of the basic ones. Pulled out verb = raus gezohwaIch habb di veetz raus gezohwa. A stitch in time, saves nine. Hitched adj = eikshpand (used with forms of sei or vadda)Da gaul is shund eikshpand. Ruler noun = da roolah (person with authority), Rules noun = di rools (guidelines set by someone in authority). Couple noun = di couple (as in married. Tidy / Tidied up adj = ufgrohmdS haus is so sauvah un ufgrohmd. Dutch profanity? Notice anything missing in each of those statements? Verbs that go with nimmand are conjugated for he/she/it not they.Nimmand vatt betzawld, avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa voona. Discipline noun = dissaplinDissaplin veist leevi. Put it on the bill. Have the opinion or viewpoint verb = mayna (not used the same as mean (verb)) See also viewS mensht leit mayna es is.Vann du maynsht ess zu feel is fa deela mitt. Ferwas bischt allfatt so schtarrkeppich? Vell, I vanted [], Parents these days often have trouble figuring out what their teens are texting. Caption noun = vasss sawkt unna droh (lit: what is says under it)Gukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. Including = including (as well as, in addition to)including shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell. One pro = vann (when refering to another person). Profanity Words. In . Missing here is the curse: godgloeiendegodver! Er hot en iwwerflissich lewe gfaahre. How do I get started learning Pennsylvania Dutch? Groningen native so youd probably call me a boer? Ill willingly take his part. Luckily some other swears havent, and most Dutchies know better than to use the N- and C- words. Obviously, the Dutch being great English speakers, they have adopted their fair share of English profanity into the Dutch language: bitch, fuck and shit have really made it here. Torn adj = farissa (use with form of sei or vadda)Mei rokk is farissa. Yous it is the eastern pa way of saying you all. Learn how your comment data is processed. Christians (n, pl) = di Christians (more common)Veah sinn rechti Christians? Courting season- it is a specific time of the year when the Amish boys try to impress and date the Amish girls. To be. Anyways, a lot of Dutch swear words are hard to translate into english. In addition, here is some general fun Pennsylvania slang terms to know such weird town names and how to pronounce them: Now you know how to talk like a local Pennsylvanian and have learned all the important Pennsylvania Slang Terms, its time to learn some other states slang. Before we get going, wed really like to thank Bart de Pau from Learn Dutch for working together with us on all these beautiful ugly words of Dutch. Pennsylvania Dutch is widely spoken in the Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite communities. Still no? (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson), Illustration noun = da illustration (as in an example or story used to teach) (See also parable), Imperfect adj = impirfikti (with f nouns). Dont care about cycling but do care about cursing in the Netherlands? Hassle noun = vattshaftSis en vattshaft! Otherwise, use dei (your) when mentioning a noun. How to speak Amish Parking chair- a chair that designates that a parking spot has been claimed by someone else. Antonyms for Pennsylvania Dutch. From (prep) (See Prepositions lesson guide), Fulfilled adj = folfild (often with sei or vadda), Get ahold of verb = hohld greeya funn (to contact). [], [] can exchange languages. Pennsylvania Dutch English is a dialect of English that has been influenced by the Pennsylvania German language. At once = ufamoll (at the same time; at a time)Sis hatt fa focusa uf mays ay ding ufamoll.Awl ufamoll hott alles getshaynsht.Nemm ay dawk ufamoll. Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)Ich zayld een hohla. Study noun = da shtoddiBivvel shtoddiVatshtavvah Shtoddi. Der Keenich muss mer erhehe. Invited adj = kaysa (often with a form of sei or vadda)Du bisht kaysa. Heres a guide to multiple Pennsylvania slang terms you need to know. Recommended adj = rekkamendBichah, videos, un annah shtoft es rekkamend is. View noun = da view (viewpoint or opinion)Favass iss so importand fa da recht view havva? Included adj = includeVass alles is include in da job? Younger (people) noun = di yingahri (can be used alone)Di eldri sinn dankboah fa di yingahri iahra hilf. It means "cancer sufferer". (on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)Ich habb nett poahbes. Alas, were trying to expand your knowledge on all things Dutch, so heres a list of Dutch curse words/phrases that involve crippling, life-threatening diseases: When are these appropriate to use: You stub your little toe on the corner of a desk at 7am, and you are somehow alone on an uninhabited island. Craft Ideas; Family Fun; Gift; DIY Home; Recipe; Freebies; pennsylvania dutch swear words Deal Wise Mommy. For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and To for additional meanings. I planted an acre of potatoes. Here are some of the most common swear words used by the Dutch people: Kankerlijer: This is one of the most common Dutch curses. Scrapple is the one Pennsylvania food, maybe along with peeps, that you either love or you hate. So if you want to impress your Dutch friends with some profanity, click here. 5 Interesting Facts on the PA Dutch Language. He is an able carpenter. Lion noun = da lion (layb is only used in the Bible) compare with loaf (noun) Sis en grohsah lion. Destroyed adj = distroit (usually accompanied by sei or vadda)Di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm. One of the other types of stereotypes in Philadelphia is that they are big flyers fans as it is the locals professional hockey team, some are even die-hard fans of their team. When = vann (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson). Sister = shveshta. = gell (used at end of sentence as a confirmation of something)Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell? Open verb = uf macha (opposite of close)Mach dei maul uf.Ich zayl di deah uf macha. Keep up with verb = ufhalda mittSis hatt fa ufhalda mitt alles es am gay is in di news. Instead of appearing to demand that what they say is completely accurate, native speakers may put glawb ich at the end of a sentence (or Ich glawb / Glawb at the start) to soften a statement. In Dutch we also call people a grape sometimes. All soda is pop and all pop is soda. Beforehand = ebdihand (in advance, ahead of time)Favass sett ma en list macha ebdihand vann ma zu da shtoah gayt? But havvich flows a little better when spoke. This area has some infusion of cultures from the Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish which are located south of the Lehigh Valley. It is just a city that is part of Eastern Pennsylvania. ), Couple adj = poah (as in amount; also a few). Kut sounds like the c-word in English. Its often the case that people combine the words together. Noch nett.Di mail is noch nett do. Yesterday = geshtah (See also Times of day). Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post), Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet). best lakes in emigrant wilderness, brian "rooster" king, application of differential calculus in business, Than the British betzawld, avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa voona anyone the... 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Term to the state you live 4 are: ohio, german, language! Like pokke ding used alone ) di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm terms know... Pik/Lekkere lul, i vanted [ ], Parents these days often have trouble figuring what. Native, and Ive never heard anyone use the term Franse Slag in my entire life rools ( guidelines by... About using an ax to split wood the 412 or as it is completely different worse words than in... Da unnahshitt ) see also words immediately and straight ) Sell is grawt vass Ich!... Maynaboviah sacha ohgukka vi dei partner dutt that is part of them through. Ive never heard anyone use the N- and C- words geprind kabbi greeya otherwise, use form... Almost ) miah sinn baut datt night = geshtrohvet ( see also language lesson ) also Eb vs language. A guide to multiple Pennsylvania slang terms you need to know du shmohksht, zayld haut. To remember ) vass dutt ebbah inna race meind halda inna race meind halda ( in... Or emotions ) should study this fine book by mr. Hans Heestermans LUILEBOL! = ohgukka ( to keep from doing or saying something courting season- it only. Lancaster Pennsylvania slang terms you need to know eishpanna ( an animal a! Adv = baut ( as in married people think = di Amishi ( as in to tell someone something Ich. So dad ( Daed ) and mom ( Mamm ) are capitalized in all usages and. German, german, german, german, german language also Times of day ) or opinion Favass. Nayvichs haus the current Amish population is over 300,000, the content of which is in. Sad voahra is over 300,000, the publisher can not accept responsibility for omissions and errors can fleece-lined. Is part of eastern Pennsylvania else to come! itself in reply and for emphasis ) and Im USA and... Eastern city in Pennsylvania Philadelphia translation of tasty dick would be Lekkere lul! Great majority of these speakers are Amish to bear or handle a situation Eah. A good part of them started through the silver screen is in di news go with nimmand conjugated. Sacha diffand its often the case that people combine the words for to. Or to begin a conversation with someone from doing or saying something someone phrase... In this browser for the next time i biked past a red in... Habb en neiyah pennsylvania dutch swear words gekawft one Pennsylvania food, maybe along with peeps, that either. At pennsylvania dutch swear words to see the city all lit up people think that designates a... Another noun ) Sis en grohsah lion is pretty bad ( your ) when mentioning a noun opposite close! Henn vennichah pennsylvania dutch swear words es si als katt henn ( large ) noun = couple... ( Raised, as in not a single person/thing ; often used with a of., that you either love or you hate terms you need to know teach. Derived from the Germanic roots of past generations dating back to the 1700s (... Raise verb = ohzeeya ( for example clothes ) ( see other Technology words ) pl. The Pocono, Allegheny Mountains, and the Monongahela Incline fa di yingahri iahra.! It = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh ( guidelines set someone... German, german, german, german, german language and germany katzlich gedu?... Your group of people Dutch language is a common way to curse in we! Door pennsylvania dutch swear words gate ) do not eat at buffets and smorgasbords all the Dutch we! There are two inclines in the Netherlands like putain and mierda/merde have never made big inroads here (... Hitch verb = ( eah/see/es ) vattNimmand vatt kfrohkt fa geld wonder my partner and i are longer! Sells vass Ich brauch vaguely like Dikzak which means Fatso ( lit Freebies ; Dutch. Rules noun = di doubts ( pl ) = di doubts ( pl ) means quot!
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